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renewable energy

Royal Scientific Society (RSS)

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Establishment Year
Number of Staff
Jordan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (the).


The Royal Scientific Society (RSS) is an independent, non-governmental, not-for profit science institution established by Royal Charter in 1970. 
Founded from the vision of His Majesty the Late King Hussein and HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal, the RSS supports
Jordan’s development with technical and policy advice. Today, the RSS, chaired by HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal and led by HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, stands as a knowledge leader in science and technology. Based in Amman, the RSS operates from a 340,000 square meter campus with over 600 experts and partnerships in more than 20 countries.

Its mission is to protect human health and safety, safeguard the environment, and promote sustainable economic development. 
As a recognized leader in research and innovation, RSS addresses challenges at local and global levels through accredited testing, research, and technical expertise.

The RSS brings extensive experience in energy, water, and environment through its two centers of The National Energy Research Centre (NERC) and The Water, Environment and Climate Change Centre (WECCC).

NERC specializes in renewable energy and energy efficiency, offering turnkey project solutions and consultancy. WECCC leads in water quality, environmental management, climate adaptation, and smart agriculture, collaborating with communities to create sustainable, locally adapted solutions.

Through an interdisciplinary approach, the RSS delivers holistic solutions, advancing sustainable development and empowering communities with education, policy guidance, and evidence-based initiatives.

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• MENALINKS Project: Supporting renewable energy integration through smart grids and sector coupling in the MENA region. , • COOL UP Project: Upscaling sustainable cooling program. , • MEET_MED II: Enabling energy transition in the Southern Neighborhood , • BUILD_ME 3: Accelerating zero-emission building ambitions in the MENA region , • EXERGIA-S.A.: Energy and environment consulting under GEFF Jordan’s verification framework , • JREEE Project: Installing 500 PV pumping units in the Jordan Valley.
Project 1
Project 2
Project 3


• Energy efficiency audits, monitoring, and management in buildings and Industries.
• Measuring and certifying energy performance of buildings and products.
• Training in renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE).
• Techno-economic feasibility studies for RE and EE projects.
• Testing appliances, lighting, PV systems, and solar water heaters.
• On-site testing, commissioning, and cleantech and renewable energy project development.
• Offering International Renewable Energy Certificates (I-REC) in Jordan.
• Assessing wind potential and feasibility for wind projects.
• Bio-energy production (designing, building, operating
biogas and biodiesel units).
• On-site testing for photovoltaic plants (62446-1 IEC standards).
• Assistance in achieving ISO500001 Energy Management certification.
• Training technicians in safe handling of natural refrigerants.
• Monitor and assess air quality and conduct environmental studies.
• Promotes circular economy, green chemistry, and resource efficiency.
• Hydro-geological modeling and groundwater assessments.
• Waste studies and manage biosolids treatment and reuse.
• Monitor and assess water quality, including real-time monitoring, and manage. wastewater treatment and reuse.
• Supports hydroponic agriculture, food security, and biodiversity.
• Builds environmental resilience through education and governance.

Key Staff

Eng. Rafat Assi
Vice President
Eng. Walid Shahin
Senior Assistant to the President for Sustainable Solutions
Dr. Almoayied Assayed
Director of Water, Environment & Climate Change Centre

Selected Projects

• MENALINKS Project: Supporting renewable energy integration through smart grids and sector coupling in the MENA region.
• COOL UP Project: Upscaling sustainable cooling programs in the MENA region.
• Developing the National Circular Economy Roadmap in collaboration with the GIZGAIN project.
• Building Resilience through Circularity: Green Innovations in Host Communities (BRACkA).

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